
Social Media - A FALSE Reality

Let’s say you are addicted to social media. So what? It isn’t harming anyone. You’re still getting good grades in school or completing all your work at the office. You’re taking care of yourself. It’s not like you’re addicted to cocaine or heroin, right?
And that’s true. All things considered, it’s one of the safest addictions you could have — nobody has ever died from it. But what about the quality of your life? Social media addiction could be harming you in ways you can’t quite see on the surface.

To find if you are addicted then click the link below 

1.    Social media is a false reality. People selectively post what they want others to see. And this allows everyone to flaunt their good sides while hiding their bad ones. Nobody’s profile truly reflects who they are as a person — it’s all filtered and sterilized. Unfortunately, we tend to forget this. And we can fall into despair when we can’t seem to keep up with the supposed lives of our friends and followers, even to the point of depression.

2.    Social media encourages narcissism. One of the biggest rewards in social media is when you make a post and somebody likes it. On FB  On Twitter and Tumblr, it’s retweets and shares. It’s all about your own satisfaction and gratification, and as you chase more and more likes, you can get swallowed up in yourself.

3.    Social media promotes echo chambers. The nature of social media means you can follow those who are like you and ignore those who aren’t. This is the very definition of an echo chamber: everyone just parrots the same ideas back at one another. If you aren’t aware of this effect, social media can turn you into a close-minded person.

4.    Social media is a privacy risk. You’d be surprised how much somebody can find out about you simply through your social media history. In the most extreme of cases, malicious users can make your life a living hell in many ways, including doxing, stalking, hacking, and more.

5.    Social media sucks uptime. A visit to FB can turn into two hours of mindless browsing. Checking Facebook or Twitter may only take a few minutes, but if you check several times an hour, that can add up to a lot of wasted time. What if you spent that time on something else, like a creative hobby, hiking a trail, or personal growth?
A social media detox can get you away from all of these negatives. Note that a detox doesn’t have to be permanent — it just has to be long enough to rewire your brain and break you out of the endless dopamine cycle. You can always come back later.

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